The Significance of Gemstones


The Significance of Gemstones

Gemstones have played various roles in the myths and legends of human cultures throughout history. Some tell a story or are believed to have special powers, but all of them share a common beauty. Each gemstone is unique with a special color, birthplace and story. Gemstones come in every color of the rainbow and are gathered from all corners of the world, with each colored gemstone possessing a unique creation of beautiful color. Some gemstones have been treasured since before history began and others were only discovered recently. From the very dawn of civilization, man has been fascinated by brilliant, shiny, colorful shells, stones and crystals. Their possession made him more important than others. Gems have always been regarded as bringers of peace, prosperity and happiness. Favorable gems bring about name, fame, power and make life easier. Ancient scriptures from across the world have praised gems as powerful agents of energy that influence human fate and destiny, induce good energy and expel the negative energy that produces sickness and suffering.

The gems work on the concept of colors and can be called as color therapy. The modern science has observed the significant influence of colors on the human body. The influence of blue and red color rays has been seen in governing the behavior of human body. Nearly 2000 years ago, color halls were made in many countries where patients used to take color bath for cure of their diseases. It has no doubt that the colors show a great influence on the system of human body. Presently it is known that a white light/sun light is composed of seven colors that can be seen with the help of a prism. The seven colors red, yellow, green, blue, violet, indigo and orange of different wavelength have different governance on the system of body. The significance of Gems and their color energy affects the human system in a way that can only be described as truly auspicious.

The puranas present beautiful stories about the origin of gems and their relationship with the nine planets. The nav-ratnas (nine gems) are divided into two groups:-Precious and Semiprecious. Diamond, pearl, Ruby, Blue-Sapphire and Emerald are precious gems whereas hessonite, yellow sapphire, cat’s eye and coral fall in the category of semi-precious gems. This division is based neither on the market value of the gems nor on their brilliance, luster or durability but on their utility and their influence on the human psyche, body, chemistry and electromagnetic field. There is no disagreement in the relationship of gems to planets. Most Indian astrologers and gem therapists agree on the use of gemstone related to the moon sign. The moon sign means the placement of moon in a particular sign of the Zodiac at the time of birth. It is not always beneficial to select gemstones just because they are related to moon sign. To wear a gem, is to add the energy of the planet related to the gem and if the planet is badly aspected or if the quality of the gem itself is questionable, it will only add to one’s problems. Hence it is always necessary to consult a good astrologer before selecting or wearing a gem.