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ASTROLOGY literally means "the Science of the Stars", from the Greek word astrologia.

It contains both the idea of an organized body of knowledge of the cosmos, along with the way the stars "speak" to us, or give meaning to our lives. A very ancient, but still vital discipline, astrology seeks the meaning and application of the influences of the planets, stars and other celestial phenomena in our lives. Astrology and astronomy have in modern times become separate studies; though for most of human history they were two sides of the same coin. Exploring ourselves, our relationships and our place within the world, astrology has found that the symbolic relationships between the heavenly bodies are significant, and can be seen as a map to human destiny.

Astrology can give us an insight into all manner of situations, from the personal to the political and from the most intimate to the most mundane. Because astrologers generally take a holistic view of the world, we can see that there is a spiritual connection between all things, even the planets, stars and us.

It contains both the idea of an organized body of knowledge of the cosmos, along with the way the stars "speak" to us, or give meaning to our lives. A very ancient, but still vital discipline, astrology seeks the meaning and application of the influences of the planets, stars and other celestial phenomena in our lives. Astrology and astronomy have in modern times become separate studies; though for most of human history they were two sides of the same coin. Exploring ourselves, our relationships and our place within the world, astrology has found that the symbolic relationships between the heavenly bodies are significant, and can be seen as a map to human destiny. Astrology can give us insight into all manner of situations, from the personal to the political and from the most intimate to the most mundane. Because astrologers generally take a holistic view of the world, we can see that there is a spiritual connection between all things, even the planets, stars and us.

Is Astrology scientific? The simple answer is yes—and no. Astrology, like medicine, is an art based on a science. We visit doctors to find cures for their ailments. Normally a doctor will examine us, inquire about our health and symptoms, recommend certain tests and prescribes medicine accordingly. But at times the doctor cannot find an exact cure. Now does that mean we stop taking alternative medicine or just stop going to a doctor? Hence astrology also works in a similar way, just that the physician is an astrologer. The natural world is not as chaotic as it seems on the surface. Science has always sought to discover the underlying order that governs the appearance and behavior of phenomena, from sub-atomic particles to the movement of galaxies. Science also seeks an understanding of human behavior through biology, psychology and economics, for example.

Astrology in modern times! Since Babylon, astrology has certainly evolved. It followed the course of human progress, increased knowledge, technical discoveries, and a better understanding of the world by men. As interesting as this genesis may be, it is not fundamental since; ultimately, there is no direct correlation between High Antiquity astrology and its various modern forms.What seems much more important to us is the correlation and the interaction between the society's conception about itself and the world, and the way it accepts, or refuses, astrology at a given time and a given place of the globe.

It is very likely that some people will argue that astrology is not a science, and yet... Through its history, it is remarkable that astrology was better understood by circles which were technically evolved and intellectually open to the world, and that the way it was approached depended more on the society itself than on the times.

Similarly in the modern world today, people do believe in astrology and its powers to change one’s destiny. Many people in the world do believe in the healing powers of the universe but would not be willing to admit, simply so as not to be labeled, as ancient. But if we try and dig a bit deeper into the life’s of certain very famous Businessmen, Politicians, Celebrities of the modern times, we would realize as to how many of them, actually consult astrologers. And would actually not even at times set foot outside of their house, without consulting an Astrologer. The big question is WHY? Despite being educated, successful and wealthy? The only thought that comes to one’s mind is, that astrology does have certain powers to change the destiny of an individual.

An Astrologer can be best described as an interpreter of the cosmos. A person who has an in-depth knowledge of the cosmos and it’s functioning. He can interpret to us, as to what the stars have to say about us, in a way that the stars “speak" to us, or give meaning to our lives. He interprets the meaning and application of the influences of the planets, stars, celestial bodies and phenomena that influence our lives. Explaining to us ourselves, our relationships and our place within this world, helping us to map our destiny. Though an astrologer cannot change your destiny, as he is neither a priest nor a representative of God. But he can guide you in a manner that can benefit you in overcoming certain difficult phases of your life. Helping you in maintaining peace of mind and prosperity in your life.

Rajiv @ The Destiny is one such name. For the past 20 years Rajiv @ The Destiny, has successfully helped people from all walks of life to over come their difficulties by advising them about forthcoming opportunities or potential problems with his accurate Horoscope readings. He has forecast the future, advising his clients as to how to make the most of the good energies, while minimizing the not so good by reciting mantras , wearing gemstones and effective practical remedies . If you too are facing certain difficulties in life and cannot find a tangible or practical solution, then you too can contact Rajiv @ The Destiny.

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